Online Test Prep Materials – EBSCO LearningExpress®

Veterans, military service members and their families enjoy access to free DSST preparation materials in the EBSCO LearningExpress DoD Test Prep platform through the DoD MWR Digital Library.
EBSCO LearningExpress is an official DSST prep provider. EBSCO LearningExpress DoD Test Prep is an e-learning platform that includes full-length practice tests, comprehensive study guides, supporting materials and more for many popular DSST tests.
EBSCO LearningExpress offers:
- Unlimited remote access
- Responsive design for mobile devices
- Timed and untimed full-length practice tests
- Instant, diagnostic test scoring
- Detailed answer explanations
- Online, printable, and mobile practice tests
In addition, the free EBSCO LearningExpress Mobile App can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play. (Requires DoD Test Prep account.)